who we are

Commercial Services

Make Your Organization More Sustainable By Recycling Food Waste. Our Composting Services Are Clean, Convenient, And Easy To Implement.

Commercial Services

How It Works

Site Visit

After filling out the inquiry form, a site visit will be scheduled. Every business situation is different and we aim to understand the current waste management process. Collectively we determine what size bins are needed, where they will be stationed, and the pick-up frequency.

Custom Proposal

Following the site visit, we send a custom proposal with pricing and process clearly explained. We offer monthly and annual plans with discounts available for the yearly subscription.

Begin Composting

Once the proposal is approved, a date is chosen to begin service. We drop off bins, compostable liners, and educational signage so your team can begin recycling food waste.

Commercial Services

Benefits of Composting

Reduce Toxic Emissions

According to the EPA, food waste is the single largest contributor to our landfills. Organic waste decomposing in landfills generates methane which is 25-times worse for the planet than CO2. Composting food waste eliminates these emissions.

Most fertilizers are made in part by mixing nitrogen from the air with hydrogen from natural gas at high temperature and pressure to create ammonia. Soil generated from composting food waste can replace these petrochemical-based fertilizers. Building soil locally also reduces emissions associated with transportation. Considering that Russia is the largest exporter of fertilizer, producing compost locally dramatically reduces emissions compared to shipping fertilizer all the way across the globe!

Employee and Customer Engagement

Composting lets employees and customers know that your organization cares about operating sustainably. It is a powerful tool to recruit and retain passionate employees and dedicated customers. To encourage composting beyond the workplace, we provide your employees and customers a discounted residential rate.

Monthly Diversion Report and Compost Donations

We weigh all material collected and share a monthly environmental impact report. This allows your business to track the total amount of waste diverted from the landfill and estimate emissions reduced. In the spring, your business can donate a portion of the finished soil you helped create to a local community garden in need.

Carbon Compost
Beyond the landfill

We are a triple bottom line business focused on improving our communities and environment through a sustainable financial model. We exist to solve the massive problem of organic waste management. We are committed to equitable hiring practices and fair wages — the lowest starting salary for employees at Carbon Compost is $15 / hour.

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